Jared Gars

I am an assistant professor at FRED, University of Florida. I am also an Assistant Director at the Joint Initiative of Latin American Experimental Economics, and an affiliated researcher at LEAP - Bocconi.

Email: jgars[at]ufl.edu


Can differences in individual learning explain patterns of technology adoption? Evidence on heterogeneous learning patterns and hybrid rice adoption in Bihar, India
with P. Ward, 2019. World Development, 115:178-189

Privatization of public goods: Evidence from the sanitation sector in Senegal
with J. Deutschmann, J.-F. Houde, M. Lipscomb and L. Schechter, 2023. Journal of Development Economics, 160
[Voxdev blog post]

Do farmers prefer result-based, hybrid or practice-based agri-environmental schemes?
with S. Guerrero, L. Kuhfuss, and J. Lankoski, 2024. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 51

Confidence and Information Usage: Evidence from Soil Testing in India
with R. Fishman, A. Kishore, Y. Rothler, and P. Ward, 2025. American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Working papers

Politics of Food: An Experiment on Trust in Expert Regulation and Economic Costs of Political Polarization
with C. Burnitt and M. Stalinski. [SSRN Article]

Media and Motivation: The Effect of Performance Pay on Writers and Content
with I. Balbuzanov and E. Tjernström (New version coming soon)

Seeds of Uncertainty: Information, Subjective Expectations, and Technology Adoption
with E. Tjernström.

Selected works in progress

Debt Amnesties and Energy Consumption in Argentina
with J. Holz and A. Danon

Gambling for Retirement: Prize-Linked Savings as a Policy Tool
with J. Holz, M. Rodemeier and J.M. Villa

Resilient Economic Development in Malawi
with S. Gulesci and D. Ubfal (Midline completed)

Stereotypes and political attitudes in the age of Coronavirus: Empirical evidence from Italy
with D. Donati and N. Rao

Policy reports

Housing policies for sustainable and inclusive cities: How national governments can deliver affordable housing and compact urban development. (2020)
with A. Moreno-Monroy, T. Matsumoto, A. Schumann, R. Ahrend, and J. Crook. Coalition for Urban Transitions and OECD

The growth of metropolitan areas in: Cities in the World: A New Perspective on Urbanisation. (2020)
OECD Urban Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris